
Original Office

About Us

Family Promise of Bristol (FPB) was created in 2011 after affiliate programs in Kingsport and Johnson City, Tennessee illustrated success. Schools within the Bristol area were noticing the rising number of school children attending classes who did not have a permanent residence. The United Way of Bristol realized that at the time over 100 families had nowhere to turn. The Bristol affiliate of Family Promise was created with over 10 host congregations. These congregations opened their doors to rotate housing and feeding needs to clients on a weekly basis. At the time, three to five families were enrolled in the program. Fast forward to today and that model, as many Family Promise organizations nationally, has changed.  With receiving grant dollars, FPB serves as the Coordinated Entry organization for Bristol TN in partnership with ARCH, Appalachian Regional Coalition for Homelessness, the NETN regional Continuum of Care. The current grant serving area is Sullivan County, particularly the Bristol TN Area.  Our overall organization service area includes Bristol, Virginia and Washington County, Virginia when funding is available.  FPB partners with many community organizations providing services to those in need.